10 Benefits of White Noise for Babies: The Ultimate Guide

Baby Sleeping Soundly

The benefits of white noise for babies are numerous, but what exactly is it? White noise is a constant sound that helps to soothe and calm your baby. It is also proven to help reduce the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Babies benefit from white noise in many ways including improved sleep, reduced crying time, increased intelligence levels, and more. Keep reading to see our recommendations and for more reasons why you should invest in a white noise machine!

  1. White noise machines are perfect for helping babies fall and stay asleep at night.

A lot of parents find that their babies stop sleeping through the night as soon as they reach the age of six months, so they invest in a white noise machine to help them sleep. These machines can work wonders for those who struggle with nighttime wakings and those who have trouble staying asleep during the night because of the noises in their environment. By using a white noise machine, baby will be able to fall asleep at bedtime and not wake up during the night because of noises that may disturb him or her. Plus, it will help aid in his or her natural sleep cycle, making him or her more comfortable while sleeping.

  1. White noise machines can stop babies from crying.

Most parents know that as soon as their baby starts to cry, the minute will seem like hours because nothing seems to make him or her stop. Crying can be very frustrating for both the parent and the child, making it hard for them to relax. This makes white noise machines very beneficial because they can help to soothe your baby when he or she is upset without you having to pick him or her up and try to calm him or herself down. Instead, you simply turn on your machine and let it do its job.

  1. White noise is proven to be therapeutic for babies with colic.

White noise can be very therapeutic for babies who experience colic. Colic is a common ailment suffered by babies in which they complain of pain throughout the day and sometimes even at night. The cause of this pain is unknown, but it can range from gas to constipation, anal fissures, and intestinal blockages.

It is important to note that not all colic is related to something medical; it could also be caused by teething problems or reflux. Because the cause of their misery is unknown, many parents feel helpless in trying to help them remedy their situations. By playing white noise for your baby, you are helping them to relax and stop crying during times of colic. While it won’t solve the problem, it will certainly make them feel better because they will actually be able to hear a sound that they like.

  1. Babies who listen to white noise have increased intelligence levels.

Many parents have found that their babies seem smarter after having been exposed to a machine that produces white noise. Having a machine with different sounds for different times of the day is great because it allows your baby to explore and find sounds that he or she likes. This helps them stay interested in listening and learning new things throughout their lifetime. 

  1. White noise can increase brain activity in premature babies.

Preemies – which are babies who were born before 28 weeks of pregnancy – often have to endure many different things that disrupt their natural sleep cycles. A white noise machine will help to aid in their recovery from this ordeal by helping them to get back on a more regular sleep cycle without having to deal with various noises in the hospital.

  1. White noise can stop babies from napping too much during the day.

Many parents are concerned about their baby napping too much throughout the day because it can lead to them becoming overstimulated and overtired. This usually happens when a baby has not been used to being awake at night and just needs some time to wind down at night for a few hours before they go back to sleep. However, most of the time babies tend to over nap because they simply like to sleep throughout the day.

This is perfectly fine for them because it helps them learn their own sleep cycles; however, this means that they will have trouble sleeping at night when they are accustomed to sleeping throughout the day. White noise can help prevent this issue by giving your baby something else to listen to that can keep him awake and interested in life around him.

  1. White noise is a great way for baby to experience different sounds in life.

While babies are born with the ability to hear, by the time they reach six months of age, just about all of them lose their ability to distinguish between sounds that are made up of many different frequency levels. By exposing your baby to a white noise machine, you are giving them a chance to hear different sounds that they cannot otherwise hear. This helps them to learn new things about their environment and will help them learn more as they grow older as well.

  1. White noise can help babies who are born prematurely reduce the risk of autism and cerebral palsy later in life.

Taking care of a preemie can be difficult for both the parent and the child because they are both learning how to get used to their new surroundings while navigating through their daily life. One of the most difficult things for them to get used to is the sounds that are made around them.

By exposing your preemie to white noise, you will help to increase the likelihood of him or her not developing autism or cerebral palsy. This happens because their brains will be able to develop more rapidly and they are less likely to experience any delays in learning and development.

  1. White noise decreases anxiety in infants.

Have you ever felt anxious about something so much that it impacted your ability to sleep at night? Babies feel this same way too; however, they don’t really have an outlet for it like adults do. White noise can help babies with anxiety because they can turn on the machine and not worry about causing a disturbance in the house.

  1. White noise can distract babies from painful or uncomfortable sensations that may keep them up at night.

Just like adults, babies will often wake up in the middle of the night when they are experiencing an uncomfortable sensation such as gas or loose stools. By using a white noise machine, you are giving your baby a way to distract themselves even if that distraction is only temporary. This is why many parents who have used white noise find that their children wake up less because the pain has either subsided or been masked by the sound of white noise.

In conclusion, a baby and toddler can greatly benefit from a white noise machine if their sleep quality has been negatively impacted by loud noises. Not only are they coping with the newness of being a family, but they are also experiencing all sorts of new sounds and feelings that make it even more difficult to fall asleep at night. White noise can help them deal with these things without having to feel upset and agitated about it, which can be very beneficial for both them and their parents. Ready to buy? Here are our recommendations!

Hatch Baby Rest Sound Machine

Dreamegg Portable White Noise Machine

AIRSEE Sound Machine 

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